Friday, April 20, 2007

This Calls for Wisdom

In addition to starting with the words of the title of this post, Revelation 13:18 goes on to say, "If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666." Man's number; not a man's number! That Biblical language really does mean something, doesn't it? Okay, so now we can all stop trying to identify a man. Amen?

Since early in Christian history "scholars" have presented their ideas of what this means and have come up with a variety of names. The most favored solution, at least during the last century, is to turn letters into numbers and then add them up. Supposedly when you do that with "Nero Caesar" you come up with 666. Well, to explain the process a getting there a bit, lets use a big word to describe the method: transliteration! In simple application, if your name is Paul and you transliterate "Paul" into Spanish the name would be "Pablo." Non-proper nouns work the same way. For example, the four letter word "hope" in English transliterates into the nine lettered Spanish word "esperanza." We can see that such transliterating gives different letters and a different count of letters, too, and each letter would have its own number. I have to rely on authors who know Greek and Hebrew, but I understand that transliteration in those languages gives similar results. We know Revelation was written in Greek, so Latin names and words were given their Greek equivalence. Now, from what I read, to get "666" we must next transliterate the Greek name for Nero into Hebrew (No, not Latin--that would be too logical) before we begin giving the letters numerical values. That would, I feel certain, give us a different set of letters and well as different amounts of letters. So by all this transliterating from Latin to Greek to Hebrew we now begin to add up the numbers. Ready? Whoops, it's not 666! Ah ha, we can simply omit the final Hebrew letter to make it add up to 666.

Why would John writing in Greek transliterate into Hebrew? Hey, maybe omitting some other letter would give us a number that could be reduced to letters of Akbar Mosaumididit! Akbar is, of course, to be named the leader of the Islamic nation in the year 2086.

I now ask with all sincerity: Can anyone really be happy about this "favorite" identification? Can you accept the subjective and irrational process to get us a name that will add up to 666? I don't hear anyone shouting "Eureka! I've found the answer; I am full of wisdom and insight!"

Okay, but does Timeless/Symbolic have a better solution? Well, I'm not shouting "Eureka," yet the following has much in its favor: 7 is the number of completeness. In the Hebrew number language, 6 symbolized incompleteness, sham, deceit, depravity, evil and unrest; the absence of all that is good and decent. I am informed that in the Hebrew number language the "triple use of any number was a completion of it," sort of a completion of incompeteness. This then refers to the ultimate evil. Continuing the parodies we have already seen, we seem to have in the 666 the "Unholy Trinity."

After the many words now written we can be totally certain that 666 is a real beast of a number.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Revelation 13, part II--false prophet

In beginning to write about this Revelation 13 false prophet, I realized how much power he/it has. Despite urgent study these past few days while experiencing the deceit and darkness cast upon my little human brain by the false prophet, I nevertheless am determined to push on and write anyway. Indeed, I believe the end times are here and now. The characters and situations have been with us, are with us, and will be with us until Jesus comes back–-the one time. Mine is a timeless/symbolic view. Yep, I believe John when he talked of things "sign-ified" to him, things he then signified to us. I do have trouble thinking John expected to have us arguing about such things throughout the centuries. In the words of the 1st century culture familiar with use of symbolic language, just imagine me shouting: "It’s symbolic! Face it and get over it!"

Maybe that wouldn’t be too polite. I will attempt to proceed more seriously. I do find that commentaries of nearly all the theories of interpretation agree on much in regard to the false prophet, particularly that he signifies false religion. The devil is the father of lies; he destroys and his war against us is...well, it’s truly diabolical.

"Out of the Earth"–Recall that the first beast came out of the unstable turmoil and strife of the people of the nations commonly depicted in Scripture as "the Sea." It symbolizes world power. This false prophet arises out of the earth, indicating it/he comes out of settled human society. Now, that makes sense. In somewhat settled society mankind is prone to look to religion(s). So we all seem to agree: The false prophet is false religion; more subtle than the beast–and more deadly.

"Two horns like a lamb"–You are going to get a little tired of hearing the word "parody" this post. The false religion tries to exhibit a plausible exterior that will mislead mankind. With the false prophet’s two horns he is assuming the appearance of The Lamb of God, Jesus. (Anyone visualizing a literal man with horns has my sympathy and I hope you’ll feel better soon.)

Man longs to escape failures and sinfulness. This false religion arises out of man’s fear and lack of knowledge of the true God and takes advantage of man’s instinctive religiousness. The false prophet offers escape through selecting what seems the best of various external styles and ideas of pagan or other quasi-religious practices. The Greeks, according to Plato, thought man could commit murder or other of man’s worst offenses and obtain pardon if they offered sufficient sacrifices. (Plato, "Republic"--no, Plato wasn't talking about Jesus redeeming us on the cross with the Holy Spirit bringing us to repentance.) It is religion without Godly authority. If a man had instinctive religiousness tendencies, such undue reliance on external practice will either suppress, kill or cripple what good instincts to worship God he has. All of this is done to man without man recognizing that his successful (in man’s eyes), glorious and often ostentatious religion is false. It looks like Christ, sounds a little like Christ, yet it teaches that unrighteous lives can be cleansed by these formal external acts. It makes no demands on the Spiritual nature or upon the will of man. By so doing, Satan tries hard to separate religion from morality, thereby frustrating true religion. Such false religion/religions are the most cruel deceits Satan can spring upon mankind.

How does the false prophet mislead man and do his dirty work so effectively? He/it imitates true religion.

"It works great signs"–Can you hear the parody tickling your ears?

(a) "Fire down from heaven in the sight of men." Really? Has the devil brought down fire in the past, like Moses during the Egyptian plagues or Elijah on Mount Carmel? So, if it hasn’t been done yet it means the timeless interpretation is all wrong? The Bible being the inspired Word of God, just maybe we have overlooked important symbolism in some preceding verses. Context, context, context.

In Revelation 11:4,5 we have the two witnesses. "These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies." Hey, that helps! Satan is making another parody! Also, it is clear in Zechariah chapters 3,4 that Zechariah was encouraging the people to rebuild, to rely upon God, to reestablish high priest Joshua and governor Jerubbabel as Godly and Holy leaders of the God believing people of that time. Joshua and Jerubbabel stand for the two branches of God’s chosen people, priest and ruler. They are the two olive trees feeding fuel to the lamp and the seven lights thereon. The seven are specifically identified as the eyes of God ranging throughout the earth. Thus, we have clear and definite identification here in Revelation 11. Just as the two representations of the two olive trees are symbolic in Zechariah of feeding the lamps that shine in the world, here we have the symbolic representation of the Christian witness throughout the world. (Remember, too, the Biblical importance of having two witnesses to establish truth!) There is great symbolism in Zechariah and there is much the same symbolism in Revelation.

Also, we must consider these Words from Jeremiah 5:14 : "...I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes." (NIV)

So, in chapters 11 and 13 who can be dogmatic and insist that the words must be read literally? Clearly, there is Biblical precedent for meaningful analogy and figures of speech with which John would be familiar. In addition, even a modern author wrote of Church history and, without intending to refer to either Jeremiah or Revelation, said that in the first century Christianity spread across Europe like a wildfire. The Words from the Church mouths testifying of God’s plan of redemption made enemies into friends. And Satan can’t stand it; hence, another parody.

If true religion is depicted as bringing fire, then the false religion will mock it. Is this beast of the earth bringing fire that indicates the strength of false teaching? Maybe, but other great signs may be accomplished by the false prophet. Are they doing literal, pretended, fraudulent miracles to deceive people? I struggle keeping symbolism in mind, but do think it necessary. Such signs might be, I propose, military success or conquering the souls of man–-preaching universalism, a scientific existentialism, or a protestant salvation forever by repeating a "magical" sinners prayer so that morality and obedience to God are no longer necessary. Note, I would not dare distress anyone by mentioning the false religion of Islam that grows by force and violence nor the Catholic heresy practiced by some of worshiping Mary as God. Man-made theology imitating true Christian doctrine abounds. All these are but a few examples. The false teaching of the false religion goes on and on.

(b) Verse 15 "given power to give breath"—The second beast, the false prophet, seems to be playing the satanic role of the Holy Spirit. See Rev. 11:11 and compare also John 6:63 (the Spirit, or Breath, gives life.). With false religion in league with the beast of world power, we must conform to world powers or face persecution or even death. Image? Not an easy concept here, but we are taught of the Holy Spirit's work to bring us to understand and worship God. And Jesus, who is God, came to us. He who sees Jesus sees the Father. I urge that we put away the literalness and see the parody in the talk of image here. We see imitation of the Trinity; one God with different roles to play that we all might know God the Creator and His plan of redemption. The dragon, the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth are an unholy trinity. The beast from the sea and the beast from earth are obediently doing the work their master, the dragon, has for them. They are the image of their master.

(c) The "mark on the right hand or forehead"—This could well be discussed under sub-paragraph (b), particularly in the ‘image’ discussion, yet it is worthy of separate treatment. Again, it seems we have a parody. In Rev. 7:3,4 a seal was placed "on the foreheads of the servants of our God." So what does Satan do? He mocks it. Is John emphasizing the insidious evil nature of false religion, or is this literally an external mark Satan is using? Is it a literal external seal God is using? I submit we can gain a clearer understanding by turning to Deuteronomy 6:5-9:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your heart. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." (NIV)

Consistently, God wants worshipers to love Him from the heart. Jesus decried the external trappings of the Jewish hierarchy. He wanted us to see with the eyes and ears of our hearts. Aren’t the sentences of external binding and signs subsidiary to the reason for doing so: keep His Word in your heart, teach your children, be constantly reminded. Psalm 1 tells us the righteous man meditates on God’s law day and night. I will never believe God intended us never to sleep! I have to believe we are seeing a lot of pointed urging in these passages, an impressing upon us of how important God’s law is.

So in Revelation, did the people in John’s day show their allegiance to the Emperor by actual marks on the forehead and arms? If they did not publicly declare their allegiance to the world power they faced death. Throughout history people have been killed, burned at the stack, for not publicly showing their allegiance to the beasts. There were the Roman’s and their demands. We’ve had the Spanish Inquisition for a time. In Russia, Christianity was harshly suppressed for a time and people were killed and suffered because of their belief. In Muslim countries today I doubt that Christians will long survive what may ultimately become all encompassing Islamic rule if they are not restrained.

The question I have seems to be whether the mark is totally "upon your heart." Or, is this a visible sign? As for as the beast’s marking, I really cannot say with any confidence how much marking visibly is meant here in Revelation. As I named a few of the famous persecutions in history I realize I am not knowledgeable of the use of special markings on the foreheads and arms to preserve economic livelihood or life. There have been ostracisms and sufferings and the Nazis imposed the wearing of identifying patches, but that wasn’t on the foreheads. I suggest this poses a problem to the historicist school of Revelation. If it didn’t happen, then the beast has not come yet. Well, maybe...perhaps the Lord is not scheduled to return for awhile....

No, I like the timeless/symbolic thoughts here. God’s love in the hearts of Christians, and the beasts’ mocking, figuratively denotes that everyone, Christian or otherwise, gives evidence of loyalty. The godless worship of the world transforms one into the world’s likeness. A person becomes increasingly in the image of his master.

(d) The number 666—This is a sneaky little scheme to have you come back to my blog for the discussion of this historically debated and argued problem. No, really, I didn’t plan it this way. Yet, you know better than I, that this blog post is already long. I will try to post the discussion of the infamous numbers without undue delay.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Of Beastly things

Gordan has posted on his blog, ,an opening discussion concerning the beasts of Revelation. Hopefully, in addition to it being interesting to look at different interpreting views, it should help organize our thoughts of God’s working in this world. An advantage to me of such a study is that when we learn more about Revelation’s dragon, beasts, and evil my wife may begin to understand what I continually seem to have to assure her: that I am not really one of those despicable characters having escaped from the haunting the pages of Revelation.

I, being long persuaded of the value of my own reasonable, studied and persuasive conclusions, decided to post my thoughts—-okay, and others’ thoughts, too—-regarding this beastly issue. This interpretation method is called the Timeless/Symbolic interpretation. To call it “Idealist” sounds much too pie-in-the-sky flighty. Idealism is rarely well grounded. But I digress!

To look at the beast of Rev. 13, we must at least skim over Ch. 12. The dragon has failed to destroy our redeemer and his church. He is mad. Verse 17 says “Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring--those who obey God’s commandment and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” (NIV) Hey, that last phrase makes it clear that John, and his excellent Ghost Writer, the Holy Spirit, is talking about us, all believers. That’s believers then and now and all saints in between. We’re not any less an offspring of Christ and His Church than they were. Or, the earlier century Christians were no less God’s children than we are. The dragon’s war is timeless. (Of course, we all agree that the dragon is Satan. Sure, we do agree on that, don’t we?)

So we adopted Children of Christ are duly warned in Ch. 12:17: Satan is after us. It’s a war. Now let’s notice that the first verse of Chapter 13 is organized in several modern translations so that verse 1 is placed as being the last verse of Ch. 12. The modern compilations have it right. In fact, all of Chapter 13 is the continuation of the devil’s anger and his war against us who believe in Jesus.
The dragon stands at the sea and John sees the beast coming out of the sea. The proper grammar has the beast rising (present tense). The word “beast” in the original language denotes fierceness, a lower type of creature with a very beastly nature as it’s main characteristic. The beast in Daniel is an example of the beasts referring to successive nation powers. The reference here in Revelation to leopards, bears, and lions properly reminds us of Daniel’s images referring to earthly powers. But in Jewish apocalyptic writings it was common to portray demonic powers in terms of a beast. So is it earthly nation powers or demonic powers? Yes, both. One feeds or feeds upon the other. It is said in the early Ch. 13 verses that the dragon gave his power and authority to the beast. Thus, just as the serpent deceived Eve and persuaded her to act for him in disobedience to God, the fallen unredeemed nature of man since has resulted in actions instigated by the dragon that bring us the horrors of the modern age–and ages past.

Out of the Sea”–this phrase deserves a post of its own. In summary, the Old Testament [citations can be given upon request] uses “sea” to represent the confused, unstable, disorderly, and rebellious multitudes of the nations. The dragon is using the godless, the lawless, the false religions. Today we are under siege; everything anti-Christian is cheered--and that makes for a lot of cheering.

In the U.S. there seems to be a meth/drug epidemic, violence, an over abundance of secular and religious child rapists, pornographers, agenda ridden baby killers and homosexuals and other sin seekers demanding we approve this or that particular brand of sin. Who knows what kind of leaders we’ll end up desiring to govern us! In matters of religion in the last 150 years we’ve had so-called liberal theologians teach us the liberating value of “rationalism” and of our being “self-sufficient.” We were taught we don’t need God–-besides, the miracles in the Bible are all myths and legends. Science will save us. And this teaching was by men who deemed themselves part of the great Christian Church, professors in Christian seminaries. (Oh, that clever devil. He needs to be thrown into a lake of fire.)

Is this influence of the dragon giving us beastly world governments that keep rising out of the Godless unstable sea? Yes, when John wrote it was Rome who persecuted, but pick a period of time and we’ll find Godless actions by successive governments on this earth filled with Godless men. In the U.S., well financed legal entities are using the governmental judiciary to attempt to suppress even the public mention of God. Political correctness in our culture rules the day; it has become censorship when governmental law can not censor. Relativism is a rather new idea. It sounds so sweet and tolerant, but it is a concept certainly pulled from Satan’s war arsenal. Let me move on. These are important principles, yet Gordan’s exposition of the preterist view excellently covers the proposition of “the sea” being symbolic of civil turmoil. With these concepts defining “the sea” I am in agreement, even if they are preterist.

How about that “mortal wound that healed”? That is totally a contradictory/antagonistic statement. Yes, but John the author may be using a bit of parody here, i.e., here is the dragon antagonist being able to mimic somewhat Christ’s death and resurrection. While in this war theme, I suggest the following analogy is clarifying: The allies invaded at Normandy and managed to establish a beachhead from which they could not be driven. The allies then had the superior material resources and the strategic positions to overwhelm the enemy. Military historians agree that the victory of the allies was inevitable with that successful landing. Yet we know that fierce fighting, attacks and counter-attacks, and human casualties continued. It was a vicious struggle for the allies to push on across Europe. In a real sense the war was over, yet it was not. Christ’s life, death and resurrection was victory for all who believe. Satan was defeated. The end is inevitable: God wins!

Satan is defeated? The power of Satan seems to be increasing! I look out upon the world and see Christianity mocked. The secular world might laugh at my suggestion that God’s victory is already assured. But they don’t understand the cross. They see only that the sins of our culture are crashing through Christianity’s “old-fashioned” standards of right and wrong. The dragon racks up victories. He has the power and power is admired in the secular world.. “Who is like the beast?” Here John seems to give us another parody that the people of his day would quickly understand. “Michael” was an important angel. The name means “Who is like God?”

Mimicry of Christianity is a thread running through the dragon’s war plan. We’ve seen the gnostics earlier on, then withstood the within-the-Church assault on the doctrine of the Trinity. The Islamics claim their ‘bible’ was written by a prophet, as was our Bible in fact; they claim Abraham as a religious patriarch, as we Christians do. The Mormons claim to be Christian, as I understand it. Jehovah’s Witnesses are out at Easter inviting people to come to them. Yep, Satan is clever!

Rev. 13:5: “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.” Note that the devil “was given” his authority. God is in control. The 42 months is best taken, I submit, to be understood the way the readers of those days would understand it. In that culture the idea of applying a meaning of precise concepts to numbers was in continuing use. At the time Revelation was written, certain numbers expressed definite concepts symbolically. For example: Seven is a number found throughout the Bible. It conveyed the idea of Spiritual wholeness or completeness. Likewise, ten, perhaps arising out of the decimal system, became a number indicating human completeness. For example, an absent landowner out with a caravan might send back a message to his servants, “Work on my barn ten days.” Instead of servants scrambling frantically, they would understand they were to complete the work in whatever short time it would take. Recall the question, “Do I forgive seven times?” Answer, “No, seven times seventy.” Are we to count such things literally and leave our spouses maybe after 490 offenses? Of course not. Literally, the answer is symbolic. It conveys something like “forever.” It is completeness multiplied. Oh, yes, “12" was the number for organized religion. Okay, that’s the principle.

Now, back to “42 months.” Hey, that’s three an a half years! “3 ½ ” was a symbol of imperfection or interruption of the divine order of things. The existence of the number language has been established in ancient writings, etc. The use of 3 ½ became commonly used in Jewish circles. It signified there is definite limit, definitely an end to a bad period of time, however long in actual years or months it might be. Used in Rev. 13:5 we can see that the beast “was given” a period of time in which to mock and wield authority. That given time will expire, definitely end. Scholars seem persuasive when they say the period of time represents the End time, i.e., the time we are in, the time between Jesus’ birth and life and His return. There definitely will be an end to the sway of evil. John had an encouraging message for the persecuted saints of his day, and for all of us since then.

Well, I’ve written a big blog of words and should pause. I am aware that more beasts are on their way. I’ll leave that for another posting...should anyone first read this one! I wish you all a great Spirit filled Easter.